Late Wednesday.....
Oh man this week has been NUTS!! So sorry for not being able to post on Wednesday. I figure better late than never...RIGHT?! =) I have company in town & we have ALL been sick!!! So this week I wanted to show you a fun thing I made a while back & I enjoy it SO much that I have to share it. Since I use it EVERYDAY!!!
1st item: A dry erase board made out of an old picture frame. I painted the frame black & then to add some color I simply added scrabook paper to the back cardboard piece to the frame & added a ribbon & a scrapbook flower. Then I hot glued 6 heavy duty magnets onto the back & it hangs on my fridge. So when I am cooking dinner & I run out of something or I remember something I need to buy next shopping trip. I simply right it on here!! WAHLAH!!!!
2nd Item: My Menu board. Also an old frame that I painted black. I then used the same scrapbook idea. My amazing sister-in-law & she ROCKS!! I had her print off a grid with all my meals & days printed in "mirror" format. I then carefully placed the Vinyl on the inside of the glass. So that when I write on it the vinyl wont start to peel off with multiple cleaning....Because I have some MAJOR cleaning O.C.D.'s!!!! & WAHLAH....A Menu board for the fam!!

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